You wanted to know what I would expect if you wore my collar, so I thought I would give you an outline of what it would entail.
I would expect you to truly be my slutty wife. To make your body available to me whenever I want, to do whatever I want. With respect to your limits of course. I would want you to buy only sexy underwear from now on. No more plain stuff. I would also want you to start wearing skirts and dresses on a regular basis. Not everyday, but at least a couple times a week. Some lower cut tops to show of those luscious big tits would be wonderful too.
Back to the slutty part, I will want you to let yourself go and no longer be ashamed to be My slut. Admit you like my pain and revel in it. I want you to be proud of the fact that you are mine, and you want to do the best you can to please me, as I always do my best to please you.
Give yourself to me without reservation. Trust in me completely to take care of you in every way, and never cause you harm. If you let go and give me your complete trust, you will never regret it and will be happier than you ever imagined you could be.
I will push your limits hard. I want you to go beyond what you ever thought you were capable of, and I will show you an amazing world you never knew existed.
On training, you weren't sure if you would be able to do it because of the past. I am telling you that you can. It is not what you think it will be. I wanted to give you a sample of what kinds of training I would want you to do.
Having you masturbate for me every hour for 5 minutes without cumming to help you learn to control your orgasms. This would not be an everyday, or even every week thing. Just on occasion when I find it necessary. Having you masturbate for me while I watch at least once a week though. I want you to get comfortable with your body and not be ashamed of your pleasure.
Weekly dildo training, either by my hand or yours. Depending on the situation.You now know it is pleasurable for you.
Now the tricky part, pain training. Of course you would be flogged as often as possible. I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem since you love it so much...grins!!!
I would expect to give you a hard caning at least once a week as well. The nipple clamps, riding crop and hand spankings would be a regular part of the training as well. Hot wax will become a regular part of our play again too. I think we both miss that.
You will learn to be more comfortable being bound either by ropes or the cuffs I made you. You need to just let go and trust me. You know I won't harm you.
Now the fun part. Pleasure training. I will make you cum in ways you never thought of. I will make you cum until you beg me to stop, then I'll make you cum a couple more times for fun...smiles!!!
I will teach you to cum on command, if you are willing to learn how.
I don't want you to think this will be all about hardcore training. I still want you to ride my hard cock for fun quite often. I think that when we have a hard session during the evening while the boy is playing, that night it would be wonderful for us to have a nice fuck before sleep. I will rub your clit and finger your cunt until you are nice and wet then have you ride me until you cum all over my hard cock. I also want to try 69 with you. Have you lay on top of me with my cock on your mouth while I eat your juicy cunt and get my face all wet with your juices.
And of course speaking of oral. I do expect you to let me cum in your mouth. Sooner as opposed to later. I know you don't like it, and I understand, but it is something I really need. I want you to do it strictly because you know it will give me intense pleasure. I want you to start working on it in whatever manner you need to. You can spit it out at first, but eventually I want you to be able to swallow. I know it is asking a lot, but I think I give you a lot. I think I have earned this gift from you. I hope you feel I have.
I hope this has explained what I am wanting from you, and where I want our relationship to go. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid or shy about asking for a clarification.
I love you so much, and I hope we can take the journey down this exciting new path together.
I guess I will soon find out how she takes this, and I will let you all know how it goes.
holding my breath for you William (so please tell her to think fast, i'm getting kinda blue here! :P)
ReplyDeleteWilliam, your readers are sooooo with you here and soooo want everything to work out for you. Got everything crossed. lol
ReplyDeleteMy OH is now following you and from a male Dom perspective he thinks this journey is incredibly one sided. He views it that you are doing all the donkey work and your beloved is throwing up obstacles at every opportunity. He can't wait for you to'take her in hand and give her the seeing to she deserves'. His words, not mine. Good luck and kudos to you for you patience and resilience - a lesser man would have given up by now.
What a lovely letter from your heart explaining exactly what you desire. Actually very romantic. I am waiting with baited breathe for her response.
ReplyDeleteGood luck :)
ReplyDeleteI agree that I have been doing the heavy lifting so far. That is about to change, and I told her so today. She is about to get her first good spanking and I told her so. My patience to start has found it's limit. I will let everyone know what happens.
she is such a lucky lucky woman william.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, William.
ReplyDeleteShe is indeed a very lucky woman.
William--a very bold proposal indeed! I hope you can at least get some of the things you are asking for. Even if it's not an all or nothing. Good luck!
ReplyDeletei read "More of her response" before reading Your letter to her. Not knowing all of her past, i would think this letter was very well thought out and put together.
ReplyDeletemy Akri has done something similar, but not really in a letter, but in conversation. i know that He and i have a somewhat different relationship in that i completely trust him. i don't know why she may still have trust issues. It makes me sad because this type of life is such a wonderful experience.
Good luck.
**edited before commenting for proper D/s typing**
Im new to your blog - i was directed to come and read and this letter really resonated with me. I brought the subject up to my hubby about domestic discipline and though he is awesome and trying his best - we still lack consistency which i find frustrating and confusing
ReplyDeletestick with it, i am, working slowly and steadly - afterall we have known for a long time when we need and desire - our spouses have only just learned of this desire and it takes time for them to come to terms and understand....your wife is a lucky woman and I hope she comes to terms with your desires and realises just how lucky she is soon...hope you keep us posted :)