Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Wow, I can't believe I've had that many views of my blog. I am honored to have all of you feel that what I write here is worthy of your precious time. I know things have been tough and not quite so fascinating here lately, but I promise I will get some good stories up soon.

I will be going out of town this weekend to see some family for the Christmas holiday, but I will be on vacation next week and I should have time to do some writing.

Once again, thank you to all my faithful readers and lurkers alike.



  1. Congratulations, William!

    Enjoy your vacation and your time visiting family. I read your blog - vanilla or sexy stories! I am sure your followers feel the same :)

    Happy Holidays. Take care. Sky

  2. Congratulations William!!!

    I hope you have fun on your visit.
